They say the best things in life are free, but as someone who just spent the last 35min looking at all the things people are trying to give away via Craig's list, and I would have to respectfully disagree. I mean, I have nothing against a free mini fridge, but when the catch is that you must first clean out the green, oozing molded food, I'm thinkin it might not be worth it.
There were mattresses galore, and a rubbermaid bin someone was claiming had been converted into a hot tub, though I never did manage to figure out how that had occurred. Free contact lenses-- the person listed their prescription. I guess that works, I mean it's not like they had been used...but bricks? Who wants free bricks? I mean, free dirt is one thing, and free firewood is nothing to be sneered at, but free bricks to be picked up in the castro? I don't even want to know. True to form, though, the most disturbing finds I came across were also the simplest-- the couches. You may think a couch is a couch is a couch, free or not, but these were specimens not to be reckoned with. Discolored, moldy, and tatty, these couches take the cake.
So, if the invading aliens hire you as their interior decorator, by all means make your selections accordingly from craig's list. I have no doubt that you can find a multitude of furniture options that can effectively infect the evil race with the bubonic plague. In any other circumstance, please remember: viruses aren't toys.