I know, I know, you've heard it all before. We all need to drink more water. 64oz/day; and that's if you
don't exercise, sweat, or drink alcohol. But how many of you
wouldn't drink more water if you were drinking it out of this? I mean, seriously, what's $38/bottle when we're talking about your health? Still not interested? Fine. Maybe this will change your mind:
1. It will make you smarter.
---seriously. When a person is dehydrated they lose cell functions in the brain as well as the rest of the body.
2.You can avoid hangovers
---this is a little harder to achieve. In order to offset one serving of alcohol, you need to have one cup of water. That means, if you are planning to have 3 beers when you go out, you need to drink 11cups of water throughout the day. But I swear it's worth it.
3. You will stay thin.
---Thirst has this tricky way of masquerading firstly as hunger. I don't know why, but it's true. If you feel hungry, chances are you should really just drink a couple glasses of water. And, as an added bonus, if you do drink those extra cups of water before dinner, you will be less likely to eat as much. By the time you're thirsty you're already dehydrated, and probably snacked-out, too.
4. You won't bloat.
---This one's a bit odd. Your body reacts to thirst the same way that it reacts to anorexia. When you don't eat enough, you go into starvation mode, and your body begins to store everything you take in as fat instead of burning it all into energy. So a 98lb model can eat 500cal/day and still gain weight-- it's weird. But your body reacts the same way to thirst, if you don't drink water for a long time, your body is likely to camel-out on you and try to store the water in an unsightly manner.
5. You will have more energy
---Since drinking water boosts cell function, it also stimulates a high-functioning metabolism. When your body has all of the resources that it needs, it can process food at a rate you won't even imagine. Also, you will likely cut back your sugar intake by avoiding sweetened teas, sodas, and juices, therefore thoroughly avoiding the sugar-low that appears an hour or so after ingesting that beverage.
6. You will have amazing skin
---You are made up of 50-75% water, so sometimes heavily moisturizing lotions just won't cut it. You need to moisturize from the inside out.
7. You will save money
---When you really think about it, most of us spend an unseemly amount of money per month trying to avoid our daily intake of water. You spent how much on tea and diet coke?! C'mon, now.
8. You will reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
---Type II diabetes is generally found in adults who have been ingesting large amounts of sugar of a period of years and years. Eventually, their bodies just can't produce enough insulin to metabolize all of the sodas, candies, and processed-sugar wonderbreads. Well, water can't do anything about the candy, but at least it should help you cut back on the soda. As for the heart disease, there have been studies done that would (inconclusively) indicate that drinking hard water reduces your risk of coronary failure. It's a long shot, but it couldn't hurt.
9. You will give your tastebuds a break
---which, incidentally, will help you to eat better. When your mouth is being constantly bombarded by sugary, exciting drinks, you are far more likely to reach for a sugary, exciting snack when you're hungry to complete the process. Drinking water feels healthier, and it will give your body the chance it needs to let you know that it would really prefer a handful of carrots, thank you very much.
10. You will catch fewer colds
---water helps your body flush out all sorts of nasties, if enough is on hand to do so. In addition, a body with enough water is running more smoothly, and is therefore far better equipped to deal with fighting off the little bugs that do latch on.
So that's that. I know you're heard it all before, but I assure you that drinking enough water really isn't as difficult as it sounds. Start carrying a bottle of water around with you all day, and you'll see what I mean. You'll be shocked at how much you'll drink if it's sitting right there.
Just make sure not to drink too much. Water, like everything else, can be overdosed, so if you're carrying around a gallon jug all day, make sure to be aware that too much water can literally be fatal.