Thursday, June 19, 2008

Insanity frightens cats, too.

Were you aware that mountain lions are afraid of gigantic people flapping their coats? Because I wasn't. So I learned something new today. We received a public service announcement from the Scotts Valley Police department warning us that a mountain lion had been spotted in our area. It recommended that, in the event of contact with a mountain lion, we pick up small children and place them on our shoulders to appear larger. Also, it said, if we were wearing jackets we should unzip them and flap them around, all while yelling and maintaining eye contact with the lion. 
Now, I think was is most interesting about this recommendation is that we are not encouraged to save the children. We are, in fact, using the children to help ourselves. Now, if the announcement had said something like 'pick up small children and run your ass off' it may have actually made a valid point. However, isn't picking up children to appear larger something like shoving your friend down on the ground and hoping that the lion will be so distracted by eating them that you can get away in time? 
Note to self: If there is a mountain lion near your house, invite over only your shortest friends, and make sure to learn the hokey-pokey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea you knew i was gonna comment on this one..

no the whole point is that they are afraid of large things cats don't have the best perception when it comes to two items.

don't need a kid a big stick would work. not sure if you've ever seen the gods must be crazy but this defense technique is used to tarry off some hyenas.

thats is all.