Friday, August 15, 2008

When Even FOX is Snarky, You Know Somethin's Up

Throughout all of the debacles that the Bush Administration has put the American public through in the past 8 years, it seemed that America could always count on the FOX news network to put the most rigidly conservative spin on the day's breaking news updates. Well, it seems that some things are just too outrageous for even FOX to get behind. In this article, released earlier today, the writer takes a refreshingly sadistic approach to reporting the newest update on the Russia-Georgian situation. 

Although this outbreak sparked many questions within news talk shows regarding Obama and McCain's abilities to handle this "3am crisis," cameras seemed to shy sadly away from the fact that, when alerted to the situation, our current President simply remained in his seat in Beijing, enjoying his vacation at the world Olympic games. 

Since Bush's return earlier this week, he seems to have taken every opportunity to surpass his already winning record as a poster-boy for hypocrisy: 

In a chronological manner, the writer simply lays Bush's own speech before his audience, as a series of key quotes, inviting us to make what we will of them.

Item #1 The US and Poland agreed yesterday to set up an American missile defense base on Poland's soil. However, in his speech today, Bush continued to declaim that "the Cold War is over. The days of satellite states and spheres of influence are behind us." 

Item #2 Bush called out Russia for it's use of "bullying and intimidation," stating that they were "not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century."

...did I mention that this entire speech was given just outside the Oval Office? Bush was answering questions while en route to the plane that would take him to his ranch in Texas, where he will be enjoying a two-week vacation. This from the President who has already amassed almost 2 years of vacation out of the 7.5 years he has been in office. 

 By simply relaying the quotes as they lay, this reporter seems to have broken through FOX's conventional niceties to do the cruelest thing one could possibly do: let Bush speak for himself. 

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