Thursday, March 5, 2009

Second-Hand Anecdotes

I was scanning around the blogs I subscribe to today when I happened upon one in which an old friend was giving fashion advice to the blogger in question. Part of the advice mentioned that you should NEVER wear clothing given to you by a female relative... mothers, aunts, anyone except a sister, this friend claimed. 

This advice reminded me of one of the many funny memories I have of my mother attempting to give me clothing. I published the following as a comment on the blog I was reading: 

"When I was 14, I came home to find my bed drowning in my mother's cast-off clothing. Apparently, she had been struck with a fit of overwhelming self-worth while I had been at school, and had decided that hot stuff like her didn't need to be weighed down by clothing like that. 

Unaware of this development, I questioned whether my bedroom had become the new dumpsite for the goodwill. Shooting me a smile overwhelming with generosity and excitement, she exclaimed: "Oh! No, honey! I found all those clothes in my closet! They were too big on me, so I thought maybe they would fit YOU!"

*cough* mother was a regular 'ol size 9 at the time. Mathematically, at the very least, nothing too big on a 9 is ever going to have a chance on a size 0-1. I have, however, long suspected that my mother ascribes to an understanding of physics not realized in this dimension, so her overlooking of simple math wasn't a great surprise to me. Internalizing the necessary eye-roll, I decided to thank her anyway. 

Lesson learned: if your female relatives are anything like mine, take your dear friend's advice and STAY THE HELL AWAY from any and all cast-offs. :)"


moonrat said...

haha. i recognize this story :)

don't even get me started on my mother. whew.

Sara Nassrine said...

Yeah.... that's embarrassing.

I couldn't help it though; once I left that comment, I realized just how long it was, and decided to save a little time by sticking it up as my blog for the day. :)