Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have decided to start making the transition into becoming a vegan. I intend to do it slowly but surely, to ensure that I won't rebel from my own decision and start sabotaging myself with girl scout cookie icecream and delicious delicious goat cheese. 

My plan is to start trying vegan substitutes and vegan recipes in an non-committal fashion, finding vegan things that I like while still having that dairy net to fall back upon. "I mean, why not try vegan alfredo? I can always go back to the same old canned shit if I don't like it!" ...that sort of thing. I think, in a couple months I'll be as used to reaching for the dairy-alternatives as I am to reaching for the fake meat, and the switch won't feel at all like self-deprivation. 

After reading Skinny Bitch, I just can't take it anymore. Most of the information about the meat and dairy industry I had already, built up in the back of my head, but it was quite a different experience to have all the facts shoved right into my brain one after another after another after another. That, and it's not like dairy is good for me anyhow. I don't need calcium from it, it's linked to cancer, and it basically injects me with a constant stream of BGH and antibiotics. Plus it's fattening. 

*sigh* goodbye winey goat cheese. I assure you it's for the best. 

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